Sunday, August 19, 2018

Skiing Trip 2018 - Day 9 and 10, Sydney

Sheraton on the Park is the nicest hotel we've stayed at this trip, what a beautiful room. I went to the gym as soon as we got in after the drive from Canberra, then we got dressed-to-impress to head to Quay, one of the best meals we've had in our lives.





Quay was something else. The food, the drinks, the service, and the view were really incredible. The degustation was quite seafood heavy, which I was quite intimidated by at first, but my mind was immediately put at ease after the first course of "Oyster Intervention" was described to us as Peter Gilmore's version of the taste of oysters without the gross texture - I completely agree with you Peter! It was amazing, I would love oysters if they were all served like this.


Every single course was beautiful, interesting, and served in a way that made the experience complete, for example, the "Hand Harvested Seafood" course was served in a bowl that looked like a rock pool. The dessert that replaced the Snow Egg, the White Coral, was exceptional (I even loved the feijoa!).











The menu was almost perfect as it was, with the only change being the sand crab, which Andrew substituted for a cauliflower course. I'm so glad I went with the Malted Barley Crumpets as they were.


As seems to be the fashion at these fancy degustations, the wine pairings were very generous so we stumbled out full and happy.

We had a nice sleep in, used the gym, then checked out and drove to Billy Kwong, Kylie Kwong's restaurant. We were a bit early so we parked then went for a walk to Mrs Macquarie's Chair to get a windy but beautiful view of the bridge and Opera House.




Billy Kwong was seriously good, with every dish being the best version of that dish I've ever had (pork buns, silken tofu), and every dish we'd never tried before (xo eggs, salt bush cakes) being an absolute winner.

Sydney - Billy Kwong

The best part is that Kylie was actually there! She was mostly "stalking the pass", but she served us a couple of the dishes from the banquet menu, it was so cool.

Sydney - Billy Kwong

Ottoman, Quay, and Billy Kwong; I don't think we'll have a better set of consecutive meals anytime soon.

We're now waiting in Qantas club for our flight. It's my first time in here, I'm happy to be Andrew's guest, and happy they let me in with Ugg boots on! What an amazing trip, I can't believe it's over already!

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