Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Cooking Professor - Moroccan Tagine with Riki

I bought Andrew a voucher to The Cooking Professor which has just opened up pretty much across the road from our house. We decided to to go the Moroccan tagine class run by Riki (and her assistant chef Pepe who is of Nobu fame).

The Cooking Professor

The class was brilliant! We really really loved it. Riki is lovely and her excitement is infectious. The class itself is actually pretty full on; you each have your tasks and you're quite pushed for time to finish them. Every now and then Riki would stop us to share some interesting things to learn from the other people in the class, or to demonstrate techniques to everyone.

The Cooking Professor

We all sat down to a big share plate (or share-tagine) dinner made of all the dishes cooked by the students. I have to say, we all nailed it. Yum! After dinner Riki fried us some doughnuts (one of the stations had the job of making the dough and setting it to rise). I ate two, to hell with the gluten consequences.

The Cooking Professor

I will be spreading the good word!

The Cooking Professor

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