Last weekend I survived the West Australian Summer Pole Camp together with the WA Pole Performance Showcase. It was awesome but I'm so glad it's over! I did workshops with the amazing Natasha Wang, the beautiful Jamilla Deville, the super flexy Luxe, but my favourite by far was strength pole with Lisa Chastity, she is so strong and lovely! Her daughter and husband helped spot and give everyone pointers throughout the workshop, it must be so cool to have a whole family of pole performers.
I did a group performance with the Pole Fever girls and also a solo performance at this years WAPPS, and both went really well despite the absolute terror and stress before hand!
I got a terrible video of our group performance on the night, but here's a video of us at practice (our costumes are in the picture above).
WA Pole camp is going to be even bigger next year, I can't wait!
Sky High Trapeze is Perth's only flying trapeze rig, and it's being packed up in February so that the operators can focus on performing. Luckily we made it in before it got packed up!
Andrew was a complete natural and got a double backflip even though it was his first time. I knew he would be awesome at it, and I'm so glad he had a good time because the lesson was my Christmas present to him! It was my second time, but I think I was actually more terrified this time because of the crazy wind. I think that climbing the ladder is probably the scariest part (which is apparently what a lot of people say), but a close second is leaning out to grab the trapeze bar with your second hand - letting go of the rigging never got easier for me.
For anyone who hasn't tried it, I highly recommend taking a lesson. It's a lot scarier, a lot faster, and a lot more fun than it looks. When you get your timing right and get the movements at the right place in the swing it's a really cool feeling. Don't forget to point your toes!
I'm going to keep an eye on what the Sky High Trapeze group goes on to next. They had been teaching for quite a long time and were keen to get back to performing. They're planning to start training in trapeze, tumbling, and Chinese pole, so hopefully they do some performing in Perth before they leave to tour the world.
Well, just a little about myself.
I was born in Perth and have lived here my whole life, and I count myself as an Aussie even though my family are all extremely Romanian.
I went to Mercedes College - the one with the winter green uniform and the poo brown shoes.
I'm putting my Bachelor of Engineering/Computer & Mathematical Science at UWA to use at a mining equipment simulation company, and working as a fitness trainer in my spare time.
I have a pet bunny named George. He's a white dwarf lop and we love each other very much.
I have a weakness for anything peach flavoured, especially peaches, and I never say no to fairy bread.