Friday, August 19, 2016

Mr George Pancake Puffington

George was an amazing dwarf lop rabbit that came into my life in December 2010, and I loved him very very much. George had a very happy life and was loved by everyone. I'll never forget you George.

Created with flickr slideshow.

George: 2010-18th August 2016

Cupcake Day for the RSPCA 2016

Immersive Technologies raised $215.60 on Cupcake Day for the RSPCA this year, well done and thank you everyone!

You can still donate directly to the RSPCA via the website:

Cupcake day for the RSPCA 2016

Cupcake day for the RSPCA 2016

Cupcake day for the RSPCA 2016

Cupcake day for the RSPCA 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Wow, I'm 30

Well, I turned 30 last weekend but it only counts once you've had a party.

On my actual birthday I had the family over for dinner and made Katsu curry which surprisingly everyone loved, including my dad! My family were also in awe of the polenta cake that Andrew made, I think it has broadened their polenta horizons forever.

My 30th Birthday

My 30th Birthday

My 30th Birthday

This weekend we had a party at our place. There was too much food as always including gogosh and meatballs from Mina and my mum, yakitori chicken skewers by Andrew, fairy bread, and the usual assortment of cakes. The night ended with everyone on the pole as usual.

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

I did this last year and I loved having the photos in the morning so I decided to do it again this year. Every time someone left I made sure to get a photo with them, which is something I could manage not to forget no matter how progressed the night became. Now I just need Aleisha to teach me how to take a good selfie.

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

My 30th Birthday!

Thanks Shane and Tammy, how did you know?

My 30th Birthday!

So beautiful, I love it so much Amy.

My 30th Birthday!

Can't wait to start gf baking and wearing this gorgeous stuff, thanks K and G!

My 30th Birthday!

I've needed a yoga mat for far too long, thanks Cian and Raj!

My 30th Birthday!

Thanks for the gift cards and booze everyone, both of these things are exactly what I needed.

My 30th Birthday!

So apparently I'm dirty now, yay?